Hiring a cycling coach is like hiring a plumber. Cycling coaches and personal trainers have specific training to help you reach your goals faster, like plumbers know exactly what to do to fix your toilet. Sure, you can take the plunger to it day after day, jiggle the handle, and hope for the best, but it’s always more effective to hire a person who has experience and can objectively tell you what’s wrong. Then they fix it.

Here’s why you need a cycling coach.

We Keep You Accountable

You can slack off when you’re alone because no one knows. You didn’t squeak out that last interval. You cut your run ten minutes short because you didn’t feel like it.

Without someone holding you accountable you skip one workout. And because no one stopped you, it becomes a habit. Before you know it, it’s three years later and you don’t know where to begin again.

When you hire a cycling coach, you’re holding yourself accountable. You’re coughing up bucks to improve. Not only will you lose money, you bet your sweet ass I’ll ask why your TrainingPeaks workout square is red and not green.

We Motivate You

Cycling coaches become such because we love biking, training, and pushing ourselves. Self-motivation is easier for some and it comes with practice.

When you hire a Coach, you’re hiring your personal cheerleader. We’ll cheer you on for races regardless of the outcome. We’ll assign a workout because we believe in you. And we’ll tell you you can do it when you doubt yourself.

A cycling coach becomes your buddy. We won’t let you slide and we’ll make you feel great for pushing through any obstacles.

You’ll want to push through because we’ll motivate you to become great.

It’s an Investment in Your Health

We pay for health insurance hoping to not have to use it, right? But people still get sick, break bones, and go to their doctor. Then you pay for the appointment. You pay for any prescriptions. It adds up, but because it’s our health, we don’t question the cost too much.

Hiring a cycling coach is an investment in your health. It’s one that is proactive rather than reactive. You’re paying for better health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that regular physical activity is one of the most important factors you can do for a healthy life.

When you work with a coach, we develop a program to strengthen your bones and muscles and increase your cardio endurance. When you consistently work out, you’ll become a healthier version of you.

We Give You Consistency

Sporadic workouts won’t generate the benefits of exercise. You need to be consistent and have specific goals. Otherwise, you’re training inconsistently and wondering why you’re not seeing results.

While one day a week is better than no days a week, you’re not going to see results from a single weekly session. If you’re not challenging your body, you’re not going to get stronger. If you push it too hard too soon, you’ll see opposite results. Likely an injury.

A cycling coach will be able to keep you consistent, especially when you’re paying them. If you paid for a monthly plan – and if you’re anything like me – then you’re showing up for what you paid.

We Help You Set Realistic & Specific Goals

Want to lose 30 pounds in 30 days?! Want to crush the Leadville 100 one month from today? Never set foot in a gym or raced your mountain bike before?

Well, then, having a coach will help you set realistic and specific goals. When you up and decide you want to lose 30 pounds, first thing is being realistic. Unless you want to be super unhealthy, losing 30 pounds in 30 days in not an obtainable goal for most.

Same goes for racing in the Leadville 100. You cannot go from the couch to 100 miles in a month. Training takes time and dedication. A coach will help you set specific goals (i.e. training for the Leadville 100 one year from now).

Improve Mental Health

According to everyone and their friend, moving your body makes you feel better. Working out increases your ability to manage stress.

The same chemicals that react to stress increase through exercise, making them, in a sense, stronger. Exercising also releases endorphins that make you feel happy. And when you feel good about yourself, it comes out all over the place.

When your body feels good, your mind feels great, and you’ll be unstoppable.

We’re Efficient

Face it. It’s more efficient to pay someone to tell you what you don’t know. With all the other things going on in our lives, the last thing you need to do is spend months researching, testing, reading, asking friends, blah blah blah.

When you pay for a cycling coach, you get years of education and experience packaged in slim-fitting athletic wear. It’s efficient. The time you spend reading through Google results could be spent with a coach who knows what you need.

We’re Objective

When you’re too close to something, you’re wearing blinders. Your personal feelings get involved. It’s hard to notice something you’re doing when you see it every day. You think you’re being lazy when you want to rest, but really, according to your numbers, you need to chill.

Or you think you don’t have the ability to race up Mt. Evans so you don’t do it. A coach will objectively tell you whether you can do something.

Working with a cycling coach is available to beginners and pros alike. You don’t have to be on your way to the Giro Rosa to justify hiring someone to help you get to the next level. If you don’t know if you’re ready for a coach, there are a few ways to assess.

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